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- Protracker 2.1A Song/Module Format:
- -----------------------------------
- Offset Bytes Description
- ------ ----- -----------
- 0 20 Songname. Remember to put trailing null bytes at the end...
- Information for sample 1-31:
- Offset Bytes Description
- ------ ----- -----------
- 20 22 Samplename for sample 1. Pad with null bytes.
- 42 2 Samplelength for sample 1. Stored as number of words.
- Multiply by two to get real sample length in bytes.
- 44 1 Lower four bits are the finetune value, stored as a signed
- four bit number. The upper four bits are not used, and
- should be set to zero.
- Value: Finetune:
- 0 0
- 1 +1
- 2 +2
- 3 +3
- 4 +4
- 5 +5
- 6 +6
- 7 +7
- 8 -8
- 9 -7
- A -6
- B -5
- C -4
- D -3
- E -2
- F -1
- 45 1 Volume for sample 1. Range is $00-$40, or 0-64 decimal.
- 46 2 Repeat point for sample 1. Stored as number of words offset
- from start of sample. Multiply by two to get offset in bytes.
- 48 2 Repeat Length for sample 1. Stored as number of words in
- loop. Multiply by two to get replen in bytes.
- Information for the next 30 samples starts here. It's just like the info for
- sample 1.
- Offset Bytes Description
- ------ ----- -----------
- 50 30 Sample 2...
- 80 30 Sample 3...
- .
- .
- .
- 890 30 Sample 30...
- 920 30 Sample 31...
- Offset Bytes Description
- ------ ----- -----------
- 950 1 Songlength. Range is 1-128.
- 951 1 Well... this little byte here is set to 127, so that old
- trackers will search through all patterns when loading.
- Noisetracker uses this byte for restart, but we don't.
- 952 128 Song positions 0-127. Each hold a number from 0-63 that
- tells the tracker what pattern to play at that position.
- 1080 4 The four letters "M.K." - This is something Mahoney & Kaktus
- inserted when they increased the number of samples from
- 15 to 31. If it's not there, the module/song uses 15 samples
- or the text has been removed to make the module harder to
- rip. Startrekker puts "FLT4" or "FLT8" there instead.
- Offset Bytes Description
- ------ ----- -----------
- 1084 1024 Data for pattern 00.
- .
- .
- .
- xxxx Number of patterns stored is equal to the highest patternnumber
- in the song position table (at offset 952-1079).
- Each note is stored as 4 bytes, and all four notes at each position in
- the pattern are stored after each other.
- 00 - chan1 chan2 chan3 chan4
- 01 - chan1 chan2 chan3 chan4
- 02 - chan1 chan2 chan3 chan4
- etc.
- Info for each note:
- _____byte 1_____ byte2_ _____byte 3_____ byte4_
- / \ / \ / \ / \
- 0000 0000-00000000 0000 0000-00000000
- Upper four 12 bits for Lower four Effect command.
- bits of sam- note period. bits of sam-
- ple number. ple number.
- Periodtable for Tuning 0, Normal
- C-1 to B-1 : 856,808,762,720,678,640,604,570,538,508,480,453
- C-2 to B-2 : 428,404,381,360,339,320,302,285,269,254,240,226
- C-3 to B-3 : 214,202,190,180,170,160,151,143,135,127,120,113
- To determine what note to show, scan through the table until you find
- the same period as the one stored in byte 1-2. Use the index to look
- up in a notenames table.
- This is the data stored in a normal song. A packed song starts with the
- four letters "PACK", and then comes the packed data.
- In a module, all the samples are stored right after the patterndata.
- To determine where a sample starts and stops, you use the sampleinfo
- structures in the beginning of the file (from offset 20). Take a look
- at the mt_init routine in the playroutine, and you'll see just how it
- is done.
- Lars "ZAP" Hamre /Amiga Freelancers
- Peter "CRAYON" Hanning /Mushroom Studios/Noxious